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Educational Resources

The Vertosa library contains detailed case studies, white papers, and downloads that summarize the lab work our team has conducted, often in collaboration with other teams, to bring new products and emulsion systems to market. As a science-first company, we are constantly developing new studies to further explore the compatibility and stability of our infusion systems.


Video Knowledge-base


Vertosa Blog

Mainstream Retailers and Distributors: Navigating the New Terrain of THC-Infused Beverages

This post originally appeared on Ben's LinkedIn Newsletter, Infused Insights. You can read and leave comments here. Oh,...

Policymakers and Regulators: Low-Dose THC Beverages Create Public Health and Economic Opportunities

This post originally appeared on Ben's LinkedIn Newsletter, Infused Insights. You can read and leave comments here. As...

Hemp and Cannabis Beverage Trade Groups: Charting a Unified & Effective Path Forward

This post originally appeared on Ben's LinkedIn Newsletter, Infused Insights. You can read and leave comments here. You...

Cannabis Advocacy Groups: Beverage is a Blessing in Disguise

This post originally appeared on Ben's LinkedIn Newsletter, Infused Insights. You can read and leave comments here. As...

Hemp Operators: Support Responsible and Incremental Beverage Progress

This post originally appeared on Ben's LinkedIn Newsletter, Infused Insights. You can read and leave comments here. The...

Licensed Cannabis Operators: Let Low-Dose Beverages Go In Order to Grow

This post originally appeared on Ben's LinkedIn Newsletter, Infused Insights. You can read and leave comments here....

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